K.V. Blogs!

Long time no blog

Or rather, never blogged. I have never once blogged. I was on the internet early enough to read plenty of them, but I never wrote on one myself.

My first journey into the internet was ferried by Prodigy dial-up. I want to say on an old Windows 98 machine from CompUSA, but I honestly forget. After that we made plenty of ISP switches. I distinctly remember NetZero, Juno, and even Bluelight, which was an ISP by K-Mart. The latter three were "free" in that you had a nice advert bar taking up a portion of the bottom screen. We never really had AOL, my parents wouldn't pay for it so that free internet had to suffice. It was there I discovered neat web rings hosted on Homestead, Geocities, Angelfire, et al. I also had a few Yahoo Clubs/Groups I managed. YIM/AIM/ICQ were major time sinks as well.

It was Kazaa, Limewire, etc that got me interested in computers. I regularly got viruses and had to rebuild my computer many times over. I got good at it. Later, I would enroll in a vocational high school that had a Cisco Networking Academy Program. From there I had a short spell in working a help desk before jumping into Security admin work. From then on I have remained in InfoSec where I have now been for about a decade.

That is a bit about me. I am not quite sure how I will use this blog or what I will talk about, or how often, but watch this space.
